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Nivetha Annamalai
Consulting Architect

Nivetha is an accomplished graduate in Architecture from MEASI Academy of Architecture, Chennai, and has been immersed in architectural practice in Auroville since her internship in 2017. Her experience with a local construction firm has equipped her with valuable knowledge in earthen practices, sustainable designs, and climate-responsive architecture. Collaborating with Ar. Yatharth, she has designed various buildings in and around Pondicherry led numerous student exposure workshops across India. Nivetha is passionate about learning from local communities, utilizing indigenous materials, techniques, and traditions in her architectural approach.

Yatharth Laad
Principle Architect

Yatharth, an architect based in Auroville since 2017, brings a wealth of experience from his professional journey in Delhi and Bangalore. With a strong focus on contextual, sustainable, and climate-responsive design, he draws inspiration from the philosophies of the legendary architect Sir Laurie Baker, which he explored during his training with COSTFORD. Yatharth has successfully completed numerous projects in Auroville, carefully considering site, client, and environmental factors. His innovative research on bamboo as reinforcement in ferrocement concrete structures showcases his commitment to low-cost, easily constructed solutions across various building typologies, including and institutions.

  • Studio Courtyard
  • ELEA
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